The Castel Clara is at your disposal to help you prepare this unforgettable stay. Come to Belle-Ile without any worries.
Address Port Goulphar 56360 Bangor France
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Come to the hotel
On National Road 165, exit at Auray and follow the direction of Quiberon. Reach Belle-Ile by boat only. On site, rent a car or bicycles.
Paris – Quiberon : 505 Km
Rennes – Quiberon : 155 Km
Nantes – Quiberon : 160 Km
Take the TGV Paris-Auray (2h40min) then take an SNCF bus or taxi to Quiberon (40 minutes).
The crossing Quiberon-Belle-Île takes 45 minutes.
Schedules and reservations on 0820 056 156.
Find out more about the Compagnie Océane website.
Paris-Lorient or Nantes, Lyon-Lorient or Nantes, Geneva-Lorient or Nantes lines.
To reach Quiberon by taxi, please contact Mr ROLLAND 06 02 60 60 80 42 (preferential rates). The Castel Clara takes care of the shuttle transfer from the pier to the hotel.